Band Calendar Fundraiser

Band Calendar Fundraiser
Price: $
Sponsor a day in March for your band student(s). Enter your STUDENT'S NAME and the MARCH DATE (or multiple DATES) in the description box and the amount of your donation in the Price $ field. Or if you'd just simply like to donate to the band program, just enter "General Donation" in the description. Simply pick a date, and donate that much money (If you pick the 10th, then you donate 10 dollars). Students who max out their calendars get prizes, so please help as much as you can!!! Money will go towards consumable band supplies, as well as helping improve various infrastructure in our room (Helping add soundproofing to practice rooms, etc.) Thank you in advance for your help!!!!!
  • Grade LevelN/A
  • Sponsor/TeacherNa,Na
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