Parking Pass

SKU UN027-55 :K-12 FIXED
Parking Pass
Price: $5.00

Parking Pass - Upon school official approval, passes can be picked up in the High School Office Student Parking Rules and Regulations: Each student must park in their designated parking lot. Students will obey a 15 mph speed limit while on campus. Operating a vehicle on school grounds while using a wireless communication device is prohibited. Students will enter and leave the parking areas in the proper directions. Students are not to be in the parking area at any time without permission from the principal’s office. Violators of the above rules will be subject to the following disciplinary rules: Verbal Warning Suspension of parking privileges for one week Suspension of parking privileges for two weeks Suspension of parking privileges for remainder of semester If the infraction is severe, the parking privilege for the entire year may be revoked.
  • Sponsor/TeacherNa,Na
  • Grade LevelN/A
Item Terms & Conditions
  By selecting this box and submitting this form with payment, you understand that the school is not responsible for any damages to your vehicle caused by other students, visitors, etc. You also understand the school is only responsible for damages to your vehicle if the damages are caused by school vehicles. By submitting this form, you are relieving the school of any damages caused by persons, objects, animals, etc other than school vehicles. Further, you will abide by the rules and regulations established by the State of Arkansas, County of Boone, and Valley Springs Public Schools.
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