Sunnydale High School

Welcome to Our School Store

Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
Popcorn Fundraiser - All Flavors ZY995-482 ZY995-482 2023 Popcorn Fundraiser - All Flavors Popcorn Fundraiser - All Flavors :Sunnydale High School FIXED Aronofsky,Darren All N/A N/A $10.00
2018 - School Fees - All Grades ZY995-191 ZY995-191 2024 - Student Registration Fees - All Grades 2024 - Student Registration Fees - All Grades :Sunnydale High School FIXED Anderson,Xavier N/A N/A N/A $15.00
2024 Additional Graduation Tickets ZY995-1133 ZY995-1133 2024 Additional Graduation Tickets You can buy up to 4 additional tickets. Pick up your tickets at the Counseling Office. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Burgess,Pam 12th N/A N/A $6.00
Chromebook Repair Fee ZY995-1111 ZY995-1111 2024-25 Chromebook Repair Fee Not until the fee is paid, will you receive your chromebook back. Check in with Ms. Jones in the tech dept, room 200. This is non-refundable. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Blake,Pam All N/A N/A $40.00
2020 - Field Trip to Atlanta Zoo ZY995-1045 ZY995-1045 2025 - Field Trip to Atlanta Zoo Mr. Pacino's class field trip to the Atlanta Zoo. We will meet at the buses at 7:30 a.m. Bring your lunch. We will return at 2:30 p.m. same spot. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Angelou,Maya All N/A N/A $25.00
2022 Spring Class T-Shirts ZY995-1041 ZY995-1041 2025 Class T-Shirts-All sizes Order your Class T-Shirt Today! Class Logo Choose your Size from the Dropdown box. Type name to print on shirt in description box above. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny All N/A N/A $15.00
2025 Pali Camp ZY995-1146 ZY995-1146 2025 Pali Camp Pali Camp is scheduled for February 28th to March 2nd. Please Select your student's Srtudent Advisory Teacher in the first drop down box. In the second drop down box select your student's Grade Level. Please note: your student is only able to attend camp if they are passing all of their classes. If your student is ineligible you can request a refund through Ms. Cordova :Sunnydale High School FIXED Jones,Barbara N/A N/A N/A $50.00
Class 2025 Senior Dues ZY995-1150 ZY995-1150 2025 Senior Packages Dues include, cap, gown, and yearbook. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $180.00
2024 Sharing Brings Hope Consolidated Charitable Campaign ZY995-VAR95 ZY995-VAR95 2025 Sharing Brings Hope Consolidated Charitable Campaign The campaign provides our employees, students and families the opportunity to contribute to community organizations of your choice. :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Akers,Megan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
8th Field Trip ZY995-VAR92 ZY995-VAR92 8th Field Trip 250.00 Destination Date You can pay in installements. Enter the amount you are paying today. Please complete the permission slip :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Allen,Jenny 8th N/A N/A $0.00
Monthly Child Care Fee ZY995-1125 ZY995-1125 After Care Fee Recurring monthly payment option. Please input the amount you will be paying each month and select the date you would like this charged on your account the 1st or the 16th. :Sunnydale High School FIXED - RECURRING Cooper,Bradley N/A N/A N/A $260.00
Afterschool Program ZY995-1076 ZY995-1076 Afterschool Program Clubs, enrichment :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $120.00
AP Exam Fee ZY995-1106 ZY995-1106 AP Exam Fee Pay by These are refundable, if you are not taking the exam. Please contact Ms. Barrison for a refund. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny 11th N/A N/A $97.00
Baseball Camp ZY995-1046 ZY995-1046 Baseball Camp Baseball Summer Camp Week of June 15th :Sunnydale High School FIXED Harvey,Mallory N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Basketball Playoffs ZY995-1152 ZY995-1152 Basketball Playoffs Tickets for the upcoming playoffs :Sunnydale High School FIXED Anderson,Xavier N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Carnival ZY995-1100 ZY995-1100 Carnival Please purchase tickets - 5.00 :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Christmas Mug 2023 ZY995-1124 ZY995-1124 Christmas Mug 2023 Snowman mug. Allow 2-3 days to receive your mug. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Anderson,Xavier N/A N/A N/A $7.00
Chromebook Charger ZY995-1083 ZY995-1083 Chromebook Charger Replace your damaged or lost charger. Pick your charger up at your school. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $39.00
Chromebook Cleaning fee ZY995-1093 ZY995-1093 Chromebook Cleaning fee Removal of stickers. Vandalism fine :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Play ZY995-359 ZY995-359 Cinderella Play Tickets Sophomore Class invites the community to come watch them act out Cinderella :Sunnydale High School FIXED Bohn,Mike All N/A 10/25/2019 $25.00
Donate to Food Bank ZY995-VAR21 ZY995-VAR21 Donate to Food Bank We are asking our community to donate to the local community food bank in this time of need. Please donate in $5 increments. :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Sipe,Kristine All N/A N/A $0.00
Donation for Athletic sports ZY995-VAR93 ZY995-VAR93 Donation for Basketball Thank you for your donation to our athletics program. Select from the dropdown the program it is for. Thank you for your generousity. :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Blake,Pam N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Donation to School-Recurring ZY995-1138 ZY995-1138 Donation to School-Recurring Thank you for your donation. :Sunnydale High School FIXED - RECURRING Brown,Charlie N/A N/A N/A $100.00
Eagles School Sweatshirt - All Sizes ZY995-1055 ZY995-1055 Eagles School Sweatshirt - All Sizes Please choose your size from the dropdown on the right. Pickup will be at front office. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Harvey,Mallory All N/A N/A $35.00
Fall Festival ZY995-1121 ZY995-1121 Fall Festival Game ticket Sales. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny All N/A N/A $1.00
Fall Mum Sale ZY995-1061 ZY995-1061 Fall Mum Sale Mum Sale Fundraiser :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Football Home Game Ticket 9/27/24 ZY995-1142 ZY995-1142 Football Home Game Ticket 9/27/24 Football Home Game Ticket 9/27/24 :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $12.00
Football Home Game Ticket on 9/22/23-Adult ZY995-1112 ZY995-1112 Football Home Game Ticket on 9/22/23-Adult Adult football game ticket. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Bradley,Cooper N/A N/A N/A $7.00
Football Home Game Ticket on 9/22/23-Student ZY995-1113 ZY995-1113 Football Home Game Ticket on 9/22/23-Student Student football game ticket. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Bradley,Cooper N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Frozen Play ZY995-1132 ZY995-1132 Frozen Play Starts today - April 15th, 2024 :Sunnydale High School FIXED Angelou,Maya N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Gala Cowboy Couture ZY995-1078 ZY995-1078 Gala Cowboy Couture April 29th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Orchard River View :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Gala Ticket-General Admission ZY995-1127 ZY995-1127 Gala Ticket-General Admission General admission to Spring Gala Event :Sunnydale High School FIXED Anderson,Xavier N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Homecoming T-shirts - all sizes ZY995-1115 ZY995-1115 Homecoming T-shirts - all sizes T-shirts are 100% cotton and come in our school colors with school mascot. Available in sizes: S, M, L and XL :Sunnydale High School FIXED B,Divya N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Installment payments Senior Dues ZY995-1148 ZY995-1148 Installment payments Senior Dues 50.00 per installment :Sunnydale High School FIXED - RECURRING Allen,Tricia N/A N/A N/A $50.00
Lady and the Tramp Movie Tickets ZY995-1129 ZY995-1129 Lady and the Tramp Movie Tickets We are sponsoring a movie night for families in the community to come to the school for a family movie night. Proceeds from the show will be donated to our future teachers club upcoming state conference. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Jones,Barbara N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Lanyard ZY995-1040 ZY995-1040 Lanyard School Lanyard with Logo :Sunnydale High School FIXED Harvey,Mallory All N/A N/A $7.00
Lesson Payment ZY995-VAR89 ZY995-VAR89 Lesson Payment Pay online for your acting, voice, piano lesson. You may pay weekly of ahead of time in bulk. Each lesson is $24.00 For the month $96.00 :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Link Product ZY995-1120 ZY995-1120 Link Product Test Link :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Little Mermaid Production ZY995-1097 ZY995-1097 Little Mermaid Production Tickets are non-refundabale :Sunnydale High School FIXED Akers,Megan N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Lost Library Book ZY995-VAR3 ZY995-VAR3 Lost Library Book Lost Library Book :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE De niro,Robert N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Lunch ZY995-VAR94 ZY995-VAR94 Lunch Please indicate the amount you wish to pay :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE Aronofsky,Darren N/A N/A N/A $0.00
March Madness Basketball Tickets ZY995-1090 ZY995-1090 March Madness Basketball Tickets Purchase your tickets for the district basketball playoffs. You can print your ticket and bring to the game or we can scan the ticket from your cell phone. Once the ticket is scanned it is redeemed. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Online Giving ZY995-VAR96 ZY995-VAR96 Online Giving Thank you for a committed donation towards our school. This will be a recurring donation every month. Thank you for your generousity. :Sunnydale High School VARIABLE - RECURRING Jones,Barbara N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Optional Chromebook Coverage ZY995-1081 ZY995-1081 Optional Chromebook Coverage If chromebook is damaged this will take the place of the repair fees. Please check with IT. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Aster,Ali N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Roller Skating Field Trip ZY995-1114 ZY995-1114 Roller Skating Field Trip Please complete the permission. No refund :Sunnydale High School FIXED B,Divya N/A N/A N/A $10.00
School Supply Fee ZY995-1072 ZY995-1072 School Supply Fee One time fee for the school year :Sunnydale High School FIXED Angelou,Maya N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Senior Dues ZY995-1144 ZY995-1144 Senior Dues Senior Dues include yearbook, t-shirt, cap & gown :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $300.00
Senior Trip Deposit ZY995-1147 ZY995-1147 Senior Trip Deposit Deposit for Sr. Trip :Sunnydale High School FIXED Sipe,Kristine N/A N/A N/A $100.00
Sock Hop Fundraiser ZY995-1071 ZY995-1071 Sock Hop Fundraiser Fundraiser to raise for the library. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Aster,Ali N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Sports Awards ZY995-1085 ZY995-1085 Sports Awards Time of the Dinner and Dancing included. :Sunnydale High School FIXED Allen,Jenny N/A N/A N/A $15.00
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