Zach Thompson Memorial Scholarship

As most of you know Zach Thompson, business teacher at South Rowan, passed away November 20th after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. He leaves behind a wife, 3 year old twin boys, and a baby girl that just turned a year old. Zach also considered the students and staff at South Rowan his family. He was a major factor in the success of the Communications Academy and he considered everyday he taught a blessing.

To honor Zach and his contribution to South Rowan High and to Career & Technical Education we would like to present a scholarship to a graduate of South Rowan’s Communications Academy in his name. The Zach Thompson Memorial Scholarship will be an annual gift based on funds collected. Cash donations can be made at the school; please see the financial administrative assistant, Ms. Melanie McCullough.

If you need additional information, please contact Ms. Brenda Wilkerson, CTE Finance Specialist. Her direct extension (704) 630-6018.

If you would like to contribute to this fund please CLICK HERE

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