iPad Products

iPad accessories
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
AQ010-90 iPad Block Replacement cost for student's iPad block. FIXED Nichols,Ginni N/A N/A 10/6/2017 $19.00
AQ010-89 iPad Case Replacement cost for student's iPad case. FIXED Nichols,Ginni N/A N/A 10/6/2017 $30.00
AQ010-91 iPad Cord Replacement cost for student's iPad cord. FIXED Nichols,Ginni N/A N/A 10/6/2017 $13.00
AQ010-42 iPad Insurance All students are required to pay $20.00 to cover lost or damaged iPads. This fee applies to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. FIXED Dewey,Lindsey All N/A N/A $20.00
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