Webb Bridge MS

Select your products from below or if you child has obligations for items such as technology that they received a bill for, you can also click here to pay these amounts.
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
EN617-433 8th Grade Orchestra ASO Trip 8th Grade Orchestra ASO Trip on 1/16/25 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED James,Barket N/A N/A N/A $70.00
EN617-VAR9 Admin Approved Only Admin use only - use only if directed by WBMS staff 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Beckett,Lisa N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-486 American Sign Language Club ASL Club 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Gelb,Beth N/A N/A N/A $20.00
EN617-415 Art Club Art Club 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Binder,Amy All N/A N/A $15.00
EN617-501 Band - 8th Grade Symphonic Band GMEA In Service Performance 8th Grade Symphonic Band GMEA In Service Performance Field Trip on 1/30/25 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Stroud,Stephen N/A N/A N/A $40.00
EN617-177 Band - Annual Instrument Rental Fee This fee is for instruments rented from the school. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Erick,Stallings N/A N/A N/A $105.00
EN617-VAR37 Band - Other Please fill in the amount you have been instructed to pay and discussed with the Band Teacher. Please note what you are paying for in the NOTES section. DO NOT USE this unless you have been directed to by a WBMS staff. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Erick,Stallings N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-176 Band Activity Fee At WBMS, we work to create vibrant, rigorous music programs that inspire passion in our students. Unfortunately, music programs are very costly and supply-intensive. In lieu of most fundraising, our band is asking families to contribute $135/performer. Please email [email protected] if you are having difficulty with this fee. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Erick,Stallings N/A N/A N/A $135.00
EN617-VAR38 Band Donation Fee Thank you for any amount you can donate to support the Band program. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Erick,Stallings N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-168 Chorus - Activity Fee In lieu of fundraisers, we are asking our chorus families to contribute $125/performer. This money will be used to purchase sheet music and materials, pay for workshops and evaluations, pay for our accompanist, pay for concert venue fees, etc… 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Reitzes,Caroline N/A N/A N/A $125.00
EN617-VAR48 Chorus - Additional Fees Please only use this payment link if instructed to by Mrs. Reitzes. The payment amount varies based on each activity and will be specified in an email by Mrs. Reitzes. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Reitzes,Caroline N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-VAR39 Chorus - Donation Fee Thank you for any amount you can donate to support the Chorus program. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Reitzes,Caroline N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-408 Extramural Sports Participation Fee Fee to participate in extramural sports teams 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Sell,Matt N/A N/A N/A $35.00
EN617-399 FACS Class Fee This money is used to purchase supplies for class labs and projects to allow for as many hands on opportunities as possible. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Kornegay,Allison All N/A N/A $5.00
EN617-361 FBLA State Leadership Competition Registration FBLA Members may compete in two events for the State Leadership Conference. Do not pay unless you have registered at http://bit.ly/2020fblacomp Deadline is 1/24/20 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Houghton,Robert N/A N/A N/A $60.00
EN617-VAR27 Fine Arts - Teacher Approval Only Please fill in the amount you have been instructed to pay and discussed with your Fine Arts teacher. Please note what you are paying for in the NOTES section. DO NOT USE this unless you have been directed to by a WBMS staff. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Reitzes,Caroline N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-484 Food, Nutrition and Wellness Class Fee This money is used to purchase supplies for class labs and projects to allow for as many hands on opportunities as possible. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Kornegay,Allison All N/A N/A $10.00
EN617-452 Jaguar News Club - Initial Participation Fee $50 initial participation fee for the first quarter of participation., if the student decides to continue with the club into an additional quarter, existing members’ fee drops to just $20 per quarter. All funds are used to equip the club with cameras, microphones, hard drives, editing software and other media equipment and Club T-shirts. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Hochhauser,Sarah N/A N/A N/A $50.00
EN617-454 Jaguar News Club - Quarterly Fee $50 initial participation fee for the first quarter of participation, if the student decides to continue with the club into an additional quarter, existing members’ fee drops to just $20 per quarter. All funds are used to equip the club with cameras, microphones, hard drives, editing software and other media equipment and Club T-shirts. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Hochhauser,Sarah N/A N/A N/A $20.00
EN617-44 Locker Fee Annual Locker Fee - please print out payment receipt to obtain locker 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Beckett,Lisa All N/A 7/1/2017 $20.00
EN617-200 Math Club Dues Dues which include registration fees for in-school competitions 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Wood,Brooke N/A N/A N/A $20.00
EN617-VAR7 Media Center Fines (NOT DEVICE FINES) DO NOT USE TO PAY DEVICE FINES. Fines for overdue or lost books checked out from the Media Center. You must know the amount due - please contact the Media Center for the amount. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Brown,Nan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-VAR30 Media Fines - Former Students Only Fines for overdue or lost books checked out from the Media Center and student is not currently a Webb Bridge Student. Please list your student id and name in the comments You must know the amount due - please contact the Media Center for the amount. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Brown,Nan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-432 Musical- CAST Participation Fee (2nd installment) Due 1/12/2025. Fee will contribute to costs, such as costumes, sets, mics, lighting, production rights, and other associated fees. If for any reason you are unable to afford this fee, please email Ms. Hedger at [email protected]. Inability to afford the production fee should not stop you from participating in the show! 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Beckett,Lisa N/A N/A N/A $125.00
EN617-423 Musical- TECH CREW Participation Fee Fee will contribute to costs, such as costumes, sets, mics, lighting, production rights, and other associated fees. If for any reason you are unable to afford this fee, please email Ms. Hedger at [email protected]. Inability to afford the production fee should not stop you from participating in the show! 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Beckett,Lisa N/A N/A N/A $75.00
EN617-VAR34 Orchestra - Administrative Approval Please fill in the amount you have been instructed to pay and discussed with the Orchestra Teacher, Dr. Barket. Please note what you are paying for in the NOTES section. DO NOT USE this unless you have been directed to by a WBMS staff. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE James,Barket N/A N/A N/A $0.00
EN617-183 Orchestra Activity Fee This fee helps with the cost of instructional expenses for the WBMS Orchestra (clinicians, GMEA events--All-State, Solo & Ensemble, Large Group Performance Evaluation, Instrument repair and upkeep, and other related expenses). The fee does not include the cost of instruments, books, shirts, or extra-curricular field trips. These items and activities will incur an additional cost. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED James,Barket N/A N/A N/A $120.00
EN617-180 Orchestra Instrument Rental Fee Fee for rental of orchestra instrument for the year. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED James,Barket N/A N/A N/A $100.00
EN617-482 PE Lock Replacement Fee Replacement fee for lost PE Locker Lock 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Les,Meenan All N/A 7/1/2017 $10.00
EN617-47 PE Uniform - Shirt Only PE Shirt Only - please print and bring to front office over the summer to pick up or bring to Sneak Peek. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Les,Meenan All N/A 7/1/2017 $10.00
EN617-45 PE Uniform - Shirts & Shorts Full PE Uniform - please print and bring to front office over the summer to pick up or bring to Sneak Peek. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Les,Meenan All N/A 7/1/2017 $30.00
EN617-46 PE Uniform - Shorts Only Full Shorts Only - please print and bring to front office over the summer to pick up or bring to Sneak Peek. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS FIXED Les,Meenan All N/A 7/1/2017 $20.00
EN617-VAR35 Spanish Connections Class Donation This is an optional donation for Spanish Connections class so that there is money to make cultural food from Spanish speaking countries and to do buy supplies for gardening. Also to go towards class projects and supplies. Suggested donation is $10 but any amount is welcome. 0010b00002HJyivAAD:Webb Bridge MS VARIABLE Jones,Ashley N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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