Instrumental Music

Fees for Instrumental Music Class
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
EB480-377 Instrument Rental Fee - Fall Semester Pay this fee for instrument rental for the Fall Semester. $25.00 includes use of an instrument that can be taken to and from school to use in class and for practice at home. Please only pay this fee if you are participating in Instrumental Music Classes. FIXED Pertuit,Keri N/A N/A N/A $25.00
EB480-375 Instrument Rental Fee - Spring Semester Pay this fee for instrument rental for the Fall Semester. $25.00 includes use of an instrument that can be taken to and from school to use in class and for practice at home. Please only pay this fee if you are participating in Instrumental Music Classes. FIXED Pertuit,Keri N/A N/A N/A $25.00
EB480-376 Instrumental Music Book Fee Pay this fee for students in 2nd - 5th grade who are enrolled in Instrumental Music Class. This book is theirs to keep after the school year ends. FIXED Pertuit,Keri N/A N/A N/A $12.00
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