Meadowbrook High School

Select Activity
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
AF062-21 Anatomy and Physiology Class Fee Fee for use of lab supplies and classroom supplies AF062-21 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Hornberger,Corinne All N/A N/A $45.00
AF062-25 AP Environmental Science Class Fee for use of lab and classroom supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Cox,Dorinda All N/A N/A $45.00
AF062-641 Art 1 and 3-D Design & Crafts 1 class fees Classroom and Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All Art 1 / 3-D Design & Crafts 1 N/A $25.00
AF062-642 Art 2 and 3-D Design & Crafts 2 class fees Classroom and instructional supples 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All Art 2 / 3-D Design & Crafts 2 N/A $35.00
AF062-948 Art 3 and 3D Design & Crafts 3 Class Fees Classroom and Instructional Fees 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All N/A N/A $40.00
AF062-937 Band Class Fee Classroom and Instructional Supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Mcgrath,James N/A N/A N/A $15.00
AF062-831 Behind the Wheel / Driver Education Fee In car driving to secure license. Must schedule appointment with Ms. Laws, turn in paperwork and pay fee. 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Laws,Bessie N/A N/A N/A $210.00
AF062-455 Business Class Fee Use of classroom supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fields,William All N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-940 Chorus Class Fee Classroom and Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Barrack,James All N/A N/A $15.00
AF062-VAR8 Chorus Donations Donations for Meadowbrook HS Choral Department 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Barrack,James N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-VAR7 Debate Team National speech and debate association membership fee *See your sponsor for the amount you need to pay* 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Adkins,Clarissa N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-1042 DECA Dues DECA dues 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fields,William N/A N/A N/A $15.00
AF062-942 Digital Media and Graphic Design Class Fees Digital Media and Graphic Design 1-4 Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All N/A N/A $40.00
AF062-106 Driver's Ed Manual 10th grade health class supply 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Drew,Walker 10th N/A N/A $3.00
AF062-1045 Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment - Brightpoint College - Please include the course and teacher's name in purchase notes 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Woods,Christina N/A N/A N/A $51.00
AF062-1040 Dual Enrollment British/American Literature Eng 245/246 Dual Enrollment Brighpoint College 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Mclenagan,Tracy N/A N/A N/A $51.00
AF062-1052 Dual Enrollment Business Dual enrollment business class fee through Brightpoint Community College 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Cole,Michael 12th N/A N/A $51.00
AF062-1013 Dual Enrollment College Calculus Dual Enrollment Brightpoint College DE336D College Calculus 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Matthews,Frederick N/A N/A N/A $51.00
AF062-1043 Dual Enrollment College Comp I & II Dual enrollment fee Brightpoint College 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Adkins,Clarissa N/A Grades 11 & 12 N/A $51.00
AF062-1014 Dual Enrollment College Precalculus Dual Enrollment Brightpoint College DE335D College Precalculus 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Matthews,Frederick N/A N/A N/A $51.00
AF062-1029 Entrepreneurship - MADE only MADE students only - classroom and instructional supplies for Entrepreneurship class 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-1028 Fashion Marketing Class Fee Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-1041 FBLA Club Dues FBLA Club 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fields,William N/A N/A N/A $15.00
AF062-957 Film /Video Production class fees Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Holzem,Anna All N/A N/A $40.00
AF062-73 Forensic Science Class Fee For use of lab and classroom supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Cox,Dorinda All N/A N/A $30.00
AF062-1039 Forensics Team (MBK Voice) NSDA Membership Fee 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Woosley,Hajnalka N/A N/A N/A $20.00
AF062-1030 Honors Marketing - MADE class fee Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-421 IB Biology Class Fee Year 1 and Year 2 Use of lab and classroom supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Dahlquist,Lindsey All N/A N/A $45.00
AF062-652 Instrument Rental Fee Rental Fee for using Meadowbrook's Instruments 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Barrack,James All Instrument Rental Fee 8/19/2019 $40.00
AF062-VAR9 International Baccalaureate - Special Fees Special fees required for the MBK IB program are paid through this link. See IB sponsor for amount due before submitting payment. *Please make a note in the purchaser's 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Good,Austin N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-943 Intro to Culinary/Nutrition and Wellness Class Fee Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Taylor,Adrian l All N/A N/A $105.00
AF062-607 JROTC Class Fee Classroom and instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Calloway,Dennis All JROTC Class Fee N/A $30.00
AF062-1033 MADE - Senior fee MADE students only - must be paid by 12/31/24 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $65.00
AF062-1031 MADE DECA - Membership Dues DECA membership dues 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $15.00
AF062-1032 MADE DECA - Shirt and local fees MADE DECA shirt and local fees 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $20.00
AF062-VAR5 MADE DECA Field Trip See advisor for amount due on each field trip 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-VAR6 MADE Field Trip See teacher for amount due on each field trip 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-VAR4 Meadowbrook Football - Donations Donations to benefit the Meadowbrook High School Football program 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Rudd,William N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-1026 Medical Assistant Program Classroom and instructional supplies for Medical Assistant Program 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Woods,Christina N/A N/A N/A $75.00
AF062-VAR10 Monarch Market Spirit items - See sponsor for cost 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School VARIABLE Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $0.00
AF062-863 Nurse Aide Program Fee This is a required fee for all students enrolled in the Nurses Aide Program 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Woods,Christina All N/A N/A $60.00
AF062-996 Oceanography Class Fee Fee for lab and classroom supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Howell,Sarah N/A Grades 11 & 12 N/A $30.00
AF062-564 Orchestra Classroom and instructional supplies for Orchestra 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Barrack,James All Orchestra N/A $15.00
AF062-953 Photography I Classrom and Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All N/A N/A $30.00
AF062-998 Photography II Classrom and Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All N/A N/A $40.00
AF062-999 Photography III Classrom and Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Fitzgerald,Victoria All N/A N/A $45.00
AF062-1044 SCA Dues Student council association dues 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Simmons,Brittany All N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-1020 Senior Class Fee Class of 2025 Senior Class Dues if paid 12/1/24-3/31/25 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Leach,April 12th N/A N/A $50.00
AF062-1027 Strategic Marketing Class Fee MADE only - class fee 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Wettstein,Kristen N/A N/A N/A $10.00
AF062-1038 Teachers for Tomorrow Instructional supplies 0010b00002HIrGpAAL:Meadowbrook High School FIXED Woosley,Hajnalka N/A Grades 11 & 12 N/A $40.00
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