Grassfield Elementary

A non-refundable fee of 4.0% plus a $0.35 non-refundable transaction fee will be charged to all purchases. These fees are not collected by Chesapeake Public Schools, but are processingfees of OSP, the company hosting this site.

Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
DD058-347 Chrome Book Case Replacement Chrome Book Case Replacement fee 0010b00002HJJIqAAP:Grassfield Elementary FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $20.00
DD058-345 Chrome Book Keyboard Replacement Chrome Book Keyboard Replacement fee 0010b00002XzhGCAAZ:Oscar Frommel Smith High FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $44.00
DD058-346 Chrome Book Power Cord Replacement Chrome Book Power Cord Replacement fee 0010b00002XzhGCAAZ:Oscar Frommel Smith High FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $37.00
DD058-343 Chrome Book Replacement Fee Chrome Book Replacement fee 0010b00002XzhGCAAZ:Oscar Frommel Smith High FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $250.00
DD058-344 Chrome Book Screen Replacement Chrome Book Screen Replacement fee 0010b00002XzhGBAAZ:Greenbrier Middle FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $102.00
DD058-348 Hotspot Replacement Hotspot Replacement fee 0010b00002XzhGBAAZ:Greenbrier Middle FIXED Fenner,Mario N/A N/A N/A $35.00
DD058-521 Student ID Card Replacement Fee Student Identification card replacement fee. Please do not pay for additional badges. Only 1 badge is active at a time. Our system does not accomodate multiple active badges. 0010b00002XzhGBAAZ:Greenbrier Middle FIXED Murphy,Tina N/A N/A N/A $5.00
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