Jolliff Middle

A non-refundable fee of 4.0% plus a $0.35 non-refundable transaction fee will be charged to all purchases. These fees are not collected by Chesapeake Public Schools, but are processingfees of OSP, the company hosting this site.

Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
8th Gr. Richmond, VA DD053-212 DD053-212 8th Gr. Richmond, VA Payment include a commemorative t-shirt which must be worn on the day of the trip, entrance to the science museum & experiment lab, and transportation. Signed permission must be turned in with the receipt number. **NO refunds will be issued for this trip** 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate FIXED Horton,Stephanie 8th N/A N/A $60.00
Band Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone w/Season Pass* DD053-208 DD053-208 Band Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone w/Season Pass* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Band students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate FIXED Rossettini,Amanda N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Band Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone/Full Package* DD053-209 DD053-209 Band Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone/Full Package* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Band students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate FIXED Rossettini,Amanda N/A N/A N/A $60.00
Band Music in the Park Fest *Student w/Season Pass* DD053-210 DD053-210 Band Music in the Park Fest *Student w/Season Pass* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Band students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate FIXED Rossettini,Amanda N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Band Music in the Park Fest *Student/Full Package* DD053-211 DD053-211 Band Music in the Park Fest *Student/Full Package* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Band students on Saturday, May 31, 2025 **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate FIXED Rossettini,Amanda N/A N/A N/A $75.00
Band Spirit Wear - Hoodie/Sweatshirt DD053-VAR34 DD053-VAR34 Band Spirit Wear - T-shirts/Hoodies T-shirts: $15 - $18 (2xl), Hoodies: $30 - $35 (2xl) 0010b00002HJJIzAAP:Great Bridge Intermediate VARIABLE Rossettini,Amanda N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Chorus Concert Attire 2024-25 DD053-183 DD053-183 Chorus Concert Attire 2024-25 this fee covers the cost of the 2024-25 school year Chorus concert attire (cummerbund and bowtie) *no refunds issued* 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Govan,Martia N/A N/A N/A $6.00
Chorus Music in the Park Fest DD053-202 DD053-202 Chorus Music in the Park Fest Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Chorus students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Govan,Martia N/A N/A N/A $50.00
Chorus Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone* DD053-203 DD053-203 Chorus Music in the Park Fest *Chaperone* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Chorus students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Govan,Martia N/A N/A N/A $40.00
Chorus Music in the Park Fest *Meal Ticket* DD053-204 DD053-204 Chorus Music in the Park Fest *Meal Ticket* Busch Gardens Music in the Park Fest for 7th and 8th Chorus students on Saturday, May 31, 2025! **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Govan,Martia N/A N/A N/A $30.00
FACS Sewing Projects DD053-184 DD053-184 FACS Sewing Projects Sewing Projects for 2023-24 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Chavez,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $10.00
JMS Faculty Sunshine Fund DD053-VAR27 DD053-VAR27 JMS Faculty Sunshine Fund Exempt - $20.00 Non-Exempt - $15.00 Please submit your name in the description box :) 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Horton,Stephanie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Lost Library Books DD053-VAR33 DD053-VAR33 Lost Library Books please see your letter for the cost of the book, any questions please reach out to Kelly Smith 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Smith,Kelly N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Ms. Taylor's 6th Gr Elizabeth River Learning Barge DD053-199 DD053-199 Ms. Taylor's 6th Gr Elizabeth River Learning Barge 6th Gr Jolliff Science classes will be taking a field trip to the Elizabeth River Learning Barge. Students will have the opportunity to discover and explore, understand real-world restoration projects, and utilize critical thinking and problem-solving to stimulate senses, and spark curiosity. **NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR THIS TRIP** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Taylor,Patty 6th N/A N/A $15.00
Prorated Staff Reserved Parking DD053-207 DD053-207 Prorated Staff Reserved Parking Reserved parking spot for 2024-2025 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Williams,Ginnie N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Student ID Replacement DD053-181 DD053-181 Student ID Replacement Replacement of lost or damaged student ID's 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Bennett,Hanna N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Technology Replacement Fees DD053-VAR32 DD053-VAR32 Technology Replacement Fees Technology Replacement Fees - please pay once you receive the invoice ONLY 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Leoboldt,Benjamin N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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