B. M. Williams Primary

A non-refundable fee of 4.0% plus a $0.35 non-refundable transaction fee will be charged to all purchases. These fees are not collected by Chesapeake Public Schools, but are processing fees of OSP, the company hosting this site.

Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
DD034-VAR7 Lost or Damaged Library Book Payment for lost or damaged library books belonging to B.M. Williams Primary 0010b00002HJJJKAA5:B. M. Williams Primary VARIABLE Royer,Theresa N/A N/A N/A $0.00
DD034-105 Relay for Life: Staff Donations made to this activity will go towards charity. $40 for Jeans on the last Thursday of every month 0010b00002HJJJKAA5:B. M. Williams Primary FIXED Moran,Amanda All N/A 10/15/2016 $35.00
DD034-VAR6 Shimmer and Shine Staff Account Staff may choose to contribute to the shimmer and shine account that is used to the benefit staff during special occasions and other staff activities. Teacher (no jeans): $20 Ta's (w/Jeans): $40 Teacher's (w/jeans): $60 0010b00002HJJJKAA5:B. M. Williams Primary VARIABLE Zak,Stephanie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
DD034-104 Student ID Badges: Replacement Purchase a badge if it is lost. 0010b00002HJJIqAAP:Grassfield Elementary FIXED Edge,David N/A N/A N/A $5.00
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