Great Bridge Middle

A non-refundable fee of 4.0% plus a $0.35 non-refundable transaction fee will be charged to all purchases. These fees are not collected by Chesapeake Public Schools, but are processing fees of OSP, the company hosting this site.

Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
DD010-192 Bank Service Fee Returned check/deposit fee assessed by Towne Bank. 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Hodl,Mary All N/A N/A $15.00
DD010-119 Casual For A Cause - Semester - Support Staff Should you choose to participate, you may dress business causal wearing your favorite jeans every Wednesday. You must pay $30.00 per semester with the second semester beginning in February. The money collected will go into our Staff Events account. 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Hodl,Mary N/A N/A N/A $30.00
DD010-118 Casual For A Cause - Semester - Teachers/Admin Should you choose to participate, you may dress business causal wearing your favorite jeans each Wednesday. You must pay $50.00 per semester with the second semester beginning in February. The money collected will go into our Staff Events account. 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Hodl,Mary N/A N/A N/A $50.00
DD010-VAR3 Chromebook Invoices ALL Chromebook invoices can be paid here. 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary VARIABLE Hodl,Mary All N/A N/A $0.00
DD010-VAR2 Lost/Damaged Library Books Please indicate your child's name and the title of the book you are paying for under the Purchase Notes section. 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary VARIABLE Jeana,Hadden All N/A N/A $0.00
DD010-155 Orchestra - Decals Purchase your Orchestra decal here and support the Orchestra Department. Thank you for your support! 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Malaby,Kate All N/A N/A $1.00
DD010-154 Orchestra - Hoodies Purchase your Orchestra Pullover Hoodie here and support the Orchestra Department. Please list the size hoodie you wish to purchase under Purchase Notes AND return the order form to Mrs. Malaby. Thank you for your support! 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Malaby,Kate All N/A N/A $25.00
DD010-153 Orchestra - T-Shirts Purchase your Orchestra T-Shirts here and support the Orchestra Department. Please list the size t-shirt you wish to purchase under Purchase Notes AND return the order form to Mrs. Malaby. Thank you for your support! 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Malaby,Kate All N/A N/A $12.00
DD010-156 Orchestra - Tumbler Purchase your Orchestra tumbler here and support the Orchestra Department. Thank you for your support! 0010b00002HJJJBAA5:Georgetown Primary FIXED Malaby,Kate All N/A N/A $12.00
DD010-117 Staff Recognition/Remembrance GBMS provides flowers for family deaths, surgeries, and "thinking of you" wishes, wedding gifts, and baby gifts for the GBMS staff through this fund. Please consider contributing to this fund to offset those expenses. Thank you. 0010b00002HJFMKAA5:Indian River Middle FIXED Evans,Sarah N/A N/A N/A $20.00
DD010-211 Student ID Replacement Badge ALL students MUST wear their Student ID badges during the school day. If their badge is lost or damaged, a replacement badge must be purchased. 0010b00002HJFMKAA5:Indian River Middle FIXED Hodl,Mary All N/A N/A $5.00
DD010-VAR4 Wildcat Den Please consider supporting our Wildcat's Den program. This is an alternative to traditional fundraising and allows for 98% of the profit to come directly to our school. 0010b00002HJFMKAA5:Indian River Middle VARIABLE Walker,Chantal All N/A N/A $0.00
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